
Baby Christohpher | San Jose Baby Photography

Ah, baby Christopher, what a cutie! He was just shy of 2 weeks old when I photographed him before Christmas. He was so tiny! I haven't seen a baby that small in awhile. His mom and I were looking forward to some great sleeping baby shots, but little Christopher decided to nap the morning away. We hope to get some soon!

Best Christmas gift ever!

This one is my fav! We tried to put him in the stocking, but he wouldn't fit, so this looks like a Santa hat now! So cute!

tiny parts

See how wide awake he was?

The Barron Family | San Jose Lifestyle Portrait Photography

The Barrons contacted us to do family portraits, and we were more than happy to do so! We took some whole family pictures, as well as some of each family.

Grandma and Grandpa with the grandkids and one great-grandkid!

The girls with mom and dad.

Then we thought we'd encourage the kids to get a little messy - always a lot of fun!

The Piper Family | San Jose Lifestyle Photography

The Pieper family has to be one of my favorite families to photograph. We got together to take some quick family shot for their holiday card. Unfortunately, none of us expected it to be 41* that day. We were all freezing! Shane was not too interested in taking pictures that day, so that made things a little harder. We were able to get some great shots though! Theses are my favorites!

Ah, what a cutie!

My favorite!

We hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday!

The Steele Family | Milpitas Lifestyle Photography

We took the Steele Family to Ed Levin Park in Milpitas for their family session. We had a great time getting a few shots of this lovely family.

My favorite!

Aren't her eyes beautiful?

Will & Liz | Vintage Glam Engagement Session San Jose

I absolutely loved shooting Liz and Will's vintage galm e-session! Liz has such a dramatic look, and she really knows how to pose for the camera.
We did their session at this old property near my home. It's super cute, but unfortunately it will be gone soon : ( I'm glad that I was able to shoot there before it was gone.

This picture is Daniel's favorite. He loves the old western processing.

One of my favs!

My favorite from the session <3>

Liz and Will won't be getting married for a few years because they are waiting to get married on a family anniversary. They will be getting married in Yosemite!